Summer Reading Groups



Every summer I run independent reading groups for interested students in my middle- and high-school classes. These groups are a great way to keep students’ skills fresh for the fall term while requiring a minimal investment of time and resources.

In summer 2024 I’m offering three groups in logic, intermediate Latin, and beginners’ Latin. All groups follow the same general format:

  • Dates: June 3 – July 26
  • Times: 1 hour per week, TBD based on students’ availability
  • Format: Round-table, with students exploring questions and/or translating texts with group discussion.
  • Cost: $70 per student (financial aid is available)
  • Homework & Supplies: None!

Logic: Puzzles, Games, and Thought Experiments

Topic: What Is Intelligence?

Activities: Logic games and puzzles, including Clue/Cluedo, Einstein’s Riddle, and the “Three Gods” Riddle

Readings: Classic texts on human intelligence vs machine intelligence

  • Leibniz’s “Mill” thought experiment
  • Dneprov’s “The Game”
  • The Turing Test
  • Searle’s “Chinese Room”
  • Nagel on Being a Bat

Intermediate Latin Reading Group

Topic: The Apocalypse

Readings: The Vulgate translation of the Bible, especially the parts involving dragons in the Book of Revelation

Format: Participants will read and translate passages together, exploring grammatical concepts and advanced vocabulary as they relate to the text.

Pre-requisites: At least one full year of Latin study.

Beginners’ Latin Reading Group

Topic: The Gospel of John

Readings: A simplified version of the Vulgate, suitable for students with no prior Latin knowledge

Format: Participants will read and translate passages together, exploring grammatical concepts and advanced vocabulary as they relate to the text.

Pre-requisites: Natural curiosity about Latin



Sign Up for a Summer Reading Group