I began writing formal poetry when I was 11, and my passion for translating German poetry began in undergrad. Currently I’ve translated over 400 short poems from Angelus Silesius’s Cherubinischer Wandersmann, 100 of which have been published in English as The Sorcerers’ Stone.
Additionally, several poems and translations of mine have appeared in print and around the web:
- “Angels” (Christian Century) – a translation of Rainer Maria Rilke’s “Die Engeln”
- “Easter Haiku” (Amethyst Review)
- “Loneliness” (Blue Unicorn) – a translation of Rainer Maria Rilke’s “Einsamkeit”
- “Meditation” (SCP) – anthologized in the The Society of Classical Poets Journal XI
- “Papercutting” (SCP)
- “The Parting” (First Things)
- “Thanksgiving” (Ancient Paths)
- Riddle-poems in the children’s magazine Cricket.
In 2024 I’m running a free formal poetry contest.